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3 Financial Things To Evaluate If You Are Considering Divorce

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If you have been married for a long time and are contemplating divorce, you will most likely be entitled to receive half of everything you own. This not only includes assets and cash that you have, but it also includes your debts. As you consider getting divorced, you may want to take a good, hard look at your financial situation right now, because it can have a huge effect on how your financial situation will be if you go through with a divorce.…

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Can Stepparents Win Custody Of Non-Biological Children?

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In most circumstances, stepparents have no custody or visitation rights to minor children after divorcing the biological parents. The only time when they do is if they created a legal connection by adopting the children. However, as with any rule, there are exceptions. If you’re a stepparent who wants custody of the kids you helped raise with your ex-partner, here’s information on how it may be possible to obtain it.…

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When Filing For Divorce Without A Lawyer Might Work

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When a couple decides to divorce, it is fairly common for both spouses to hire lawyers, and the lawyers are hired to handle all the negotiations of the divorce. If you want a divorce and want to save money by not hiring lawyers, you could always consider completing the process without hiring attorneys. Here are three things to realize about this that will help you understand if this is the right option for you.…

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Yes, You Have Rights As A Divorced Dad

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Many divorced fathers resign themselves to the notion that the mother of their children will automatically be awarded primary or sole custody while their own visitation rights are squeezed down to a minimum. Once upon a time, in fact, this expectation might have held water. But these days, divorced dads are in a better position to claim access to their children, up to, and including, sole custody. If you’re worried about your rights as a dad, here are some important factors that can work in your favor.…

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Becoming An Informant To Reduce Your Drug Charge: What To Expect

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Are you in trouble with the authorities, particularly due to a drug related charge? It might be worth your time to investigate into how to become an informant, that is to say, a person who essentially works as a spy for the authorities regarding drug related activities and individuals. Becoming an informant is not for everyone. It is only for people who believe that it will completely wipe out or reduce their chances of spending time in prison or jail.…

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